Sunday, January 19, 2020

Don't Negate My Vote, Thank You Very Much... 

Swearing in the Senators right now to eventually perform a trial.......watching it and it makes me sick to my stomach.  What a useless exercise has been underway since our legally elected President Donald Trump was sworn in.  They have wanted to impeach him, they have done it and now we have to watch the destruction of the Presidency, the Constitution and it is precedent setting in the fact that impeachment will be the tool of the future if you do not like the President and you are the majority in the House. 

You, Senators, House, you have no right!

I voted for this President along with 6 million others and you now believe you can make things up, illegally do things and weaponize the FBI, the CIA and other agencies,..... utter corruption!!  You won't take him down!  He hasn't done anything but good for all of us.

The House, being diminished by it's leader Nancy Pelosi, is destroying the very fabric of our American society, our American dream, and trying to turn this country into a power grab moment by the Democrats whose very party is falling apart.   Made up articles of impeachment, no crime listed in either article and we are now going to waste more time delving into what isn't there to begin with.  The American people are so tired of all this.  We look around at the economy, we look at all the promises kept and all the promises that could be kept if this President was not hounded and tormented 24/7.  Things are going well but he will never get credit for doing one thing right even though I believe, along with many others, that he's done so many things right.  Look at that stock market!!  This economy is lifting people up, making their lives better and more prosperous.

I'm not a Democrat and I have not watched any of their so called debates.  This is a field of socialists, communists, has beens, never beens, never will be important or smart enough to be the President of these United States.  It defies my logical thinking process when I see people lauding these democrat candidates as the savior that will beat Donald Trump.  I don't think so!!  My mind can't grasp the American people who embrace them, how they condone this two tier justice system that is playing out before our very eyes, this money making process that transpires as soon as people get into Congress and the lack of "we came to Congress to work for the American people".  They work for themselves, they get there poor and when they finish, they are millionaires....really?  What is that all about?  The word "serve" does not really apply anymore, it's more like "this is some cushy job, lucrative too, lots of perks!" 

Donald Trump came to town and is trying to straighten some things out for the benefit of we the people.  For this he is being crucified daily, defamed, taunted and criticized.  His family is maligned and they all just go along, get the job done, and live to fight another day for us.  I watch his campaign rallies and I watch the faces of the people at those rallies.  They are thankful, enthralled by his genuineness and his abilities.  He's really a very smart man, bordering I think on genius.  How much hate exists to deny any and all of his attributes, how much jealousy does it take to bring down, or I should say, try to bring down a President?  We have characters in Congress like Adam Schiff, a liar through and through, Nancy Pelosi who wants to rule the House, the Senate and take down a President, Jerry Nadler who has been a thorn in Donald Trump's side for years and years in New York.  The list could go on and on naming people on the Democrat side who are like lemmings going over the cliff, lockstep with the leadership without thinking of the people who sent them there to do work for them.  Pelosi reigns over the beautiful city of San Francisco that is being destroyed, Maxine Waters rules over a constituency where she is not a member of that community, doesn't live there, and is yet the elected official.  I believe she lives in a mansion in another district.  Why is this right?  What's wrong with the people who vote them consistently into office?  What's going on?  I'm sure if we all did our homework we could come up with story after story that would set your hair on fire with the injustice of it all.  Does it happen on the Republican side, I would say sometimes but never to the extent of the Democrats because I think Republicans have more scruples, more class, and believe in a form of government that the Democrats no longer do........ and if they are doing something wrong, they do it with more finesse.   In the end do I think the system could use an overhaul, term limits so they don't entrench themselves in a forever job, and real fine tuning, I sure as hell do!!  All of the House and Senate should be looked at carefully and analyzed as to whether these people still belong there and whether they have worked diligently for you and me and not themselves.

 I haven't even touched on immigration or abortion which are two subjects that make me absolutely crazy.  Murder on the one hand and on the other hand stacking the political deck with illegals and making the American people foot the bill for all of it.  I don't want any of it, I don't condone any of it and I don't think we should pay for people who don't belong here to have schooling, medical, food stamps and every other damn thing for themselves, and let's not forget we have anchor babies which should be stopped.  It's ludicrous and stupid that any woman setting foot here from anywhere, a baby born, and that baby is a citizen.  No place other than here is this done, no where in the world.  Another major incentive to get here and be an automatic citizen, don't you think?  Some say there are maybe as many as 22 million illegals living in this country.  I say, it's not right!  It diminishes being a citizen of this country, a real one, it diminishes our rights and it encourages the world to come sit on our doorstep.  Come the proper way, do the right thing and you will not only be allowed to stay, but welcomed into communities and into the United States of America.  Come illegally and you provoke anger and resentment as you are witnessing in my writings here on the subject. As a last thought, how must the people who went through the process legally or those that are waiting patiently and going through the process, feel as they watch what is transpiring? I even remember a case that went to court over an illegal minor that wanted an abortion and was granted a tax payer abortion.....get the drift now of how illegals are treated in every aspect of their wants and needs as opposed to real citizens.  We live and work for a living to get the same things that are being handed to them as they march into our land through the desert, come on planes and overstay their visas, or any other way they can maneuver it.  It's a real problem and our elected officials refuse to address it.  It's obvious because it's been going on for, talk, arguing and fighting, using moral arguments, national security arguments, and getting no where to solve the problem.  I have a feeling that will be the way of it and President Trump presents a clear and present danger because he is building the walls he said he would, and we said we definitely wanted.  Go  President Trump! is what I say loud and clear.

When I was younger I never thought about abortion much, maybe because when it first became the law of the land it was much more infrequent and women who had them, had them quickly before much formation or time elapsed.  Today we have abortion at all stages of pregnancy right into the third trimester and up until birth.  Being a Catholic and having had a complete moral, thoughtful turn around of how I feel about any abortion, it seems to me we are killing off thousands of God given souls, babies who we will never give a chance at a life, murder in every sense of that word!  From abortion we can then make the leap to euthanasia....let's now kill off the old in the name of compassion because they are sick and we don't want them to suffer, let's talk about how bad things are and inadvertantly encourage young people who don't understand the real ways of this world, to entertain and commit suicide.  I'm starting to think that between abortion, euthanasia and suicide we are killing off the world's population at an alarming rate.  I don't think this is what the good Lord had in mind at all....... life from natural birth to natural death is what we pray the rosary before Mass for every Sunday.  Yesterday at Mass the whole of the sermon was dedicated to abortion statistics and all, the March for Life, the groups that fight daily for the right to life and the things the Church does to encourage life.  It seems the world has taken it's lead from the United States, and even Catholic countries now allow abortion, all of them with the exception of Poland.  How did we get here and why do we as taxpayers stand for the fact that the government gives half a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood every year?.....the murder factory! It's insanity and begs the question, ' what's next, let the baby be born and then decide to let it live or die?"  Will that be the new normal?  What's wrong with adoption if you don't want or feel you can't have and fulfill that unwanted pregnancy?  There are women out there that would do anything for a child and as an option it is more than morally valid to think along those lines instead of abortion, isn't it?

I think the Lord actually does cry as he watches us....he thinks to himself, "how many more chances do I have to give them, will they ever learn, why don't they understand?"

Then today I saw this letter to the editor that I thought absolutely profound and should give us pause........

Sorry I can't make the article larger, and it may be a little hard to read, but still worth a read......

So starting Tuesday we embark on a journey in our government that should never be allowed to happen.  Some of these people should examine their very souls, their God-given minds and "judge lest you be judged"......bring some honesty and integrity to the offices you hold, put that above party lines and flagrant animosity, disdain and HATE!!  
Life looks better when you are honest with yourself, examine your motives and be the person/persons/legislators, God meant you to be.  

I'm sure I could go on forever on these topics but the best thing to do I guess would be to let it play out starting Tuesday and hope that at least one of the many things I spoke about will resolve itself in the name of God and justice when the Senate votes to dispose of the malicious/scandalous matter before it.

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